The Principles of Risk Assessing and Auditing a Workplace Substance Management Programme eBook


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The Principles of Risk Assessing and Auditing a Workplace Substance Management Programme eBook


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Product Description

VAT Exempt.

ISBN 978-1-7396015-9-1. Author: Trevor Hall. TOX247 Publications.

26,664 Words + Template Documents and Processes.


For people charged with risk assessing or auditing a robust Workplace Substance Management
Programme (WSMP), this eBook is essential reading. The book introduces the basics of what a
WSMP is and the toxicology and law regarding it, all aligned with corporate governance. How can
you risk assess what you do not know! How can you audit what you do not know! This book has
three chapters that contain crucial information for risk assessing and auditing to become much more considered and to understand that many legislations are not just using the wrong language but that many are not fully defensible for risk assessment or audit criteria. Chapter two sets out a firm basis for risk assessing a WSMP while chapter three sets the same basis for auditors across all sectors and professions. Any risk assessor or auditor should be able to use this book to develop their own comprehensive and bespoke sector specific risk assessment and auditing capabilities regarding workplace substance management.