
Programme Managing Practitioner (PMP)

TOX247 Level 5 Certificate

Before becoming a TOX247 Programme Managing Practitioner (PMP) with a ‘TOX247 Authority to Practise’ you need to understand the definition of what your accreditation will give you:
“The role of the TOX247 Programme Managing Practitioner (PMP) is to manage the company’s workplace substance management programme (WSMP) and escalate the actions of the TOX247 Sample Collection Practitioner (SCP) regarding a failed due diligence device (DDD) test or a positive back to laboratory (BTL) analytical result. The PMP is the company’s trained and competent person responding to the evidence gathered by the SCP and reported positive by a laboratory toxicology reporting officer (TRO). The PMP is then responsible to manage the donor and evidence through a disciplinary process or formal decision making within corporate governance (CG). The SCP and PMP must work closely throughout the sample collection process before any formal decisions are made regarding the escalation of the programme of testing and analysis (PoTA) to the executive leadership practitioner in defence of the company’s CG.”
Accreditation value: CV enhancing, Profession enhancing, Career enhancing, Sector enhancing, Skills for life, Workplace return on investment (WROI), Social return on investment (SROI)

TOX247 Academy Level 5 Certificate £995.00 Ex VAT

The first two units of all academy courses are the same in each practitioner accreditation which demand the same basic knowledge before they engage specific PMP accreditations.

The Programme Managing Practitioner (PMP) course has 6 units, which include:

Workplace Substance Management – General Information

  • TOX247 three categories of Testing & Analysis
  • What constitutes a programme of testing and analysis (PoTA)
  • Corporate governance, what it is and how it is applied in the WSMP
  • What constitutes a Workplace Substance Management Programme (WSMP)
  • Awareness of the four modular parts of a WSMP
  • Windows of Detection regarding all sample mediums (Narrow and Wide windows)
  • How Due Diligence Device (unconfirmed toxicology) testing works and its applications
  • How Breath alcohol test devices work
  • How Back to Laboratory (BTL confirmed toxicology) analysis works

Burdens of Proof, Toxicology and Evidence Controls

  • TOX247 three core elements of the WSMP
  • Burdens of proof
  • Toxicology
  • Evidence controls
  • Document requirements

Understanding the Substance & Alcohol Management Policy (SAMP)

  • Introduction
  • PMP SAMP awareness
  • PMP role between employer and employees
  • An awareness of the overall company WSMP
  • The role of the PMP within the WSMP
  • Understanding the SAMP and its constituent parts with full explanations

Building and Managing a company Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

  • PMP and Executive Leadership Practitioner (ELP) considerations for the build and activation / refusal of a workplace EAP
  • Assessing the suitability for enrolment
  • The EAP process
  • The EAP assessment phases of toxicology management, GP record management, unmet needs management
  • Identification of treatment profiles
  • Identification of treatment outcomes
  • The goal of the company, EAP and employee within the EAP
  • Consent documentation and enrolment and removal criteria
  • Phased decision making
  • Monitoring employees post EAP

Understanding the toxicology of the Programme of Testing and Analysis (PoTA)

  • Introduction
  • Toxicology and its definition in the workplace
  • Unconfirmed toxicology awareness
  • Confirmed toxicology awareness
  • Breath alcohol device awareness
  • Alcohol awareness
  • Windows of sample mediums what they can and cannot do
  • Problem Based learning (PBLs) examples

Building and Managing a Workplace Incident Report File (IRF)

  • Introduction
  • Understanding evidence gathering & evidence presentation
  • Building an IRF
  • Understanding the responsibilities of the Principle Investigator and Designated Investigator
  • Application of the IRF in the workplace substance management programme
  • The evidence of contemporaneous note taking and witness statement taking including template documents
  • The collation of evidence continuity of the BTL submission



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