The Sample Collection Practitioner’s Guide to Using Unconfirmed Toxicology Due Diligence Devices eBook


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The Sample Collection Practitioner’s Guide to Using Unconfirmed Toxicology Due Diligence Devices eBook


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Product Description

VAT Exempt.

ISBN: 978-1-7397637-3-2. Author: Trevor Hall. TOX247 Publications. 

11,016 Words + Illustrations.



The sample collection practitioner guide to using due diligence devices (DDD) steps away from current adopted clinical phraseology within the workplace and has moved away from the healthcare ethos to unambiguous workplace terminology that can be understood and defended. The DDD approach is the due diligence a company applies to its Programme of Testing and Analysis within Corporate Governance, Culpability, Criminal and Civil legislation, Statutory requirements by sector, Insurance obligations, Conditions of employment, and more. The industry must change its language: sample testing (unconfirmed toxicology) is not the same as sample analysis (confirmed toxicology). Sample Collection Practitioners who have trained in the TOX247 Academy of Workplace Substance Management are left in no doubt as to their role in sample collections using DDDs.